Stories From the Frontlines of Education Freedom
Real stories from real people putting kids first in education
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View MoreIn our government-run public schools, students often come last.
It’s time to put kids first. It’s time to give parents a choice in how and where their children learn. And it’s time to allow education funding to follow students, not ideologically-captured systems.
Teachers unions and union-supported school board members created a learning loss, discipline, and chronic absenteeism crisis by fighting to keep public schools closed during the Covid era.
Parents are eagerly pursuing alternatives to their residentially-assigned school, and using state education freedom programs to access education options that meet their children’s individual needs.
Parents need leverage. They deserve more control and better options when it comes to their children’s education. Education should prioritize students over systems.

Special education teacher Karin Majewski put her career on the line to help public school teachers and support staff learn about union alternatives.
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Hear stories from students, teachers, parents, and school administrators about their experiences in schools, and how they’re trailblazing new education models that put children first.

Arizona School Board Member Faced Threats After Objecting to Sexual Material in Public Schools
Despite threats and backlash, an Arizona school board member has become a lone but…

Karin’s Story | Teaching Without Ties: How One Educator Escaped the Union
Special education teacher Karin Majewski put her career on the line to help public…

New Mexico Parents Call Out Schools for Exposing 11-Year-Olds to Topics of STDs, Rape
Thanks to outspoken parents, an inappropriate article was removed from New Mexico's summer reading…

New Mexico High School Purchases Chest Binders and Pro-Gender Ideology Books With $10,000 Grant
In March 2024, Independent Women’s Forum storyteller Rachael Hein made headlines after revealing her family’s cross-country move to...

One Teacher’s Story of Finding Freedom Outside the Union Model
Kindergarten teacher Melissa Espinoza left her public school and teachers union in California to…

“She’s Getting Her A** Kicked”: Family Leaves Albuquerque After Gender Ideology Infiltrates Sports and School
New Mexico mom Ellie Randall* is moving her family out of the Albuquerque school…

This Mom Discovered “Trans Closets” and “Party Days” – Here’s Why She Moved Her Family Out Of New Mexico
New Mexico resident Rachael Hein moved her family out of the state after several…

“We’re Being Anaesthetized” By Gender Ideology: Las Cruces Father Pulls Children From Public School
Mateo Cruz* withdrew his children from the Las Cruces Public School District after witnessing…

New Mexico Mom Blows the Whistle on Gender Madness Inside Schools
New Mexico mother Layla Carter* is blowing the whistle on falling academic standards, school…

Ohio “Broadened Horizons” For All Students Through The Recently Passed EdChoice Expansion – Here’s How
Tera Myers began advocating for educational freedom after witnessing how her three children benefited…

How Arizona’s ESA Program Cultivated A Multi-Generational Homeschooling Household
After Sharon Canaday began homeschooling her youngest daughter, Viola, using ESA funds, her educational…

ESAs Proved “Life-Changing” for This Arizona Student’s Speech Development
Elizabeth Wright intends to enroll both of her youngest children in Arizona's now-universal ESA…

West Virginia Mom: Doctors Basically Told Me He Can’t, and We’re Showing Him That He Can
Now homeschooled as part of West Virginia’s first generation of Hope Scholarship Program ESA…
Your Voices
"We, as adults, have to protect the innocence of children..."
“There shouldn’t be this craze to gain members through fear and misinformation..."
"You must picket, you must strike, you must do whatever the union decides..."
“This freedom to ‘do whatever you want’ has changed the school culture..."
“They have zero respect for families, or for anyone outside their own bubble of ‘we know better than you...'"

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