Limited Run Games, a specialty video game distributor, recently fired its community manager, Kara Lynne, for three offenses: a 2016 tweet that trans activists deemed “transphobic,” her excitement over the Hogwarts Legacy video game, and following the popular social media account “Libs of TikTok.”
The tweet in question (see below) was discovered in January by trans activist Jonathan Blank, also known as Purple Tinker, who then made the tweet go viral with a concerted campaign against Limited Run Games, calling on them to fire Kara.

Note: Photo is from Jonathan Blank’s calls to cancel Kara Lynne on Twitter.
Why was the old tweet offensive? Because activists believe that Lynne was transphobic for voicing her concern that sex offenders might use pro-transgender laws as a cover to avoid punishment for sexual crimes.
Limited Run Games released the following statement after Lynne’s termination:

Companies that seek to promote inclusive, positive, and safe cultures should reconsider firing individuals for old personal opinions or who they follow on social media. Especially in an industry that is consistently under a microscope for its reputation for how it treats women.
In response, thousands of people have expressed their dismay at Limited Run Games’ actions, sharing their responses on social media and starting petitions in support of Lynne.

Update: Blank deactivated his Twitter account following the backlash he received for canceling Lynne and in light of accusations that he himself has been transphobic and made other extremely controversial statements online.
Let Limited Run Games know you are opposed to their actions:
Sign the petition to support Kara Lynne by asking co-owners Douglas Bogart and Josh Fairhurst to reinstate Lynne: